The Midlife Feast

#80- Movement for More in Midlife with Jamie Carbaugh

Jenn Salib Huber RD ND Season 4 Episode 80

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When you hear the word “exercise”, what’s the very next word that comes to mind? Pain? Sweat? No thanks?  It’s incredibly common to make these associations with movement because we’ve been conditioned to believe that unless we are miserable, it doesn’t count. 

In this episode, I’m talking with weight-inclusive fitness trainer, Jamie Carbaugh who will share why she is so passionate about choosing movement for more-of everything! Whether it’s more flexibility, better sleep, or dance parties, Jamie helps her clients meet their goals by ditching rigid exercise ideas and fully surrendering to our body’s intuitive desire to play.

Join us to learn how why it’s worth it to get in touch with your playful intuitions, and why movement still counts even if there’s no “product”.

To learn more about Jamie and her work, connect with her on her website at, or follow her on Instagram @fitragamuffin or on YouTube at @fitragamuffin.

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Introduction of Guest: Jamie Carbaugh

Jenn Salib Huber 0:02
Hi, and welcome to the midlife feast the podcast for women who are hungry for more in this season of life. I'm your host, Dr. Jenn Salib. Huber. Come to my table. Listen and learn from me. Trusted guests, experts in women's health and interviews with women just like you. Each episode brings to the table juicy conversations designed to help you feast on midlife. Hey there, welcome to this week's episode of the midlife feast. So my guest today is Jamie Carvalho, Jamie is also known as fit ragamuffin. And anybody who's done a group program with me, probably is familiar with Jamie's work because she has often come in and done a group session for us. And Jamie is one of the people that I love following on Instagram, I tend to share lots of her stuff.

But one of the reasons that I really wanted to have her on the podcast is that she's a non diet trainer. And she has this lovely philosophy that ties in so well to my work, which is movement for more. So just like I talked about lowering the bar, and what you add in is so important. And you know, all of that kind of intuitive eating, mindset philosophy, Jamie's movement for more philosophy around exercise is really helpful for anybody who maybe struggles to do what they think is the right thing with movement for anybody who struggles with tracking or you know, giving themselves credit or feeling like they're doing the right thing and enough of it.

And we have a really great conversation about especially the mindset piece around movement. And Jamie shares some of her really great tips for what you can track instead of steps, time, calories, things like that. And I think that you'll find it a really a really nice conversation. So as always, I'd love to hear what you think. After you have a listen. Hi, Jamie, welcome to the midlife feast.

Jamie Carbaugh 2:07
Oh, I'm so excited to be here. It's so good to see you.

Jenn Salib Huber 2:12
So we've been trying to record this for a while. And I actually think it's really funny that you haven't been on the podcast yet. Because we have like done stuff together. You've come into like the groups and you know, I feel like we're we're always sharing each other's stuff on Instagram.

And I realized a couple months ago, I'm like, Why isn't Jamie been on the podcast yet? I don't understand how this happened. So I'm really excited. I know that listeners will be as well, because I know that lots of the people that I work with and who listen to the podcast are fans of yours as well. So tell us why don't you tell us a little bit about your movement for more philosophy, because we're going to talk about that, and I love it, but I love hearing how you describe it.

Understanding Jamie's Movement for More Philosophy

Jamie Carbaugh 2:54
Movement for more. I it kind of started out as this piece of I didn't it people have such a connotation with the word exercise. So that's kind of where when I would lead workshops, five, six years ago, it would be like people associate exercise with structure and rigid and burpees and, you know, sweating all this, you know, it doesn't count and, and then when we would I would ask people to describe the word movement, that words would come up that felt so much more freeing to the people like fluid and childlike and playful and anything, you know, and movement includes everything, it's kind of this like, top tier thing. And then the four more piece is, you know, because a lot of the times exercise has this scope or fitness marketing has a scope of you know, it only counts if you look a certain way, or you're trying to look a certain way or we gotta take your weight first or we got to take your measurements first and, and all of that stuff, which maybe can motivate some people for a little bit.

But movement for more is about movement for strength. We're moving for flexibility. We're moving because, you know, I mean, this morning I moved because I do some movements to reduce my back pain or keep up with my kid. My past job was in, I was a physical therapist assistant in a skilled nursing facility. So I got to work with 65 Plus, and you know, my patients were 95 105 I got to work with 105 year old you know, and so it was so cool to track all of these different markers of I wasn't taking before photo of Betty my mom's name that I usually use doors because I have like a best friend named Doris. But I had a couple doors you know, obviously I'm changing names but you know, I If we weren't taking like measurements or weight or anything like that, you know, I was moving with them to improve their endurance.

So they could eat lunch with their friends and walk unassisted without a caregiver to the lunchroom. I mean, I get chills still telling I tell the story a lot. But it's like that they're moving so that they can be with their friends, that they can have community and get that mental health piece. So movement for more, just as like this umbrella of it allows it to make it for you, and what's important for you, and you get to decide that because a lot of the times it's like, the external pieces that we track are for, like this worldly thing. of, well, you know, people are going to maybe treat me better if I look this way, or whatever, you know, like, which is another whole BS piece. But I know you didn't really have 30 minutes.

Movement For More Than Trying to Change Your Body Size

Jenn Salib Huber 5:59
So no, it's not like a hard stop. But so I mean, what I what I really love and what I think is so important for the people that I work with, and for a lot of the people who listen to this podcast is redefining why your movement moving. Because for so many, I'm gonna like blanket, say people in midlife, but really, this can certainly apply to a lot of people, but for especially those of us who were kind of growing up in the 70s, and 80s, and even the early 90s, this idea of exercise as something that you did to change what your body looked like, or to manage this calorie and calorie out equation really became like part of our default programming.

And so one of the exercises that you did in one of the groups of mine that you came into with like asking people, okay, what do you think of like word association? What do you think of when you hear the word exercise, and it always comes up, it's hard, it's work, it's just something to do, you know, and then but when you just change the word and change it to movement, it becomes more inviting, more playful, more fun, more curious.

And, you know, mindset is a really trendy word these days, and I have a love hate relationship with it. But you know, it really does make all the difference in motivating your why. And so really being able to untie it, the reasons why you're moving is just as important as undermining the reasons why you're eating.

Jamie Carbaugh 7:33
Yeah, absolutely. And I love that you brought that up with the workshops, because those were so fun. I mean, I always had a blast and those and I, I like to intro it out with kind of this thing of, hey, this isn't your This isn't your fault. You know, like a lot of the times, that's it's always like, Oh, this is your, this is your fault, you have to change this piece. But hey, when you look at what we've been sold, as we've grown up, especially with exercise, I mean, I look at my six year old daughter now, and she could give a flying F about any of these, she's she's twirling, she's doing an airplane, she's rolling down a hill, it's all child motivate, like, just silly, fun.

But she's constantly like, non stop, you know, I can't imagine if I said like, Hey, you're gonna do this to shape you're like, are we completely, completely disrupt everything that she finds joy and movement? And that's kind of we've just been getting those messages over and over and over again. Yeah, so I do I like to remind people, you you are a mover you were born a mover you were born a mover, a shaker, a shifter, a twirler, all this stuff. And sometimes kind of people haven't put their hand on their heart, and just kind of inhale and breathe, you're moving, your heart is beating, your lungs are expanding, your neurons are firing, you know, you're, you're moving.

Yeah. And so if we kind of work from that, like, Inside Out perspective, rather than all the stuff that is constantly outside, in, I think that we can come come back home to that, that message that that is inside us.

The Role of Fun and Play in Movement

Jenn Salib Huber 9:27
And we are born with the desire and the ability and the motivation to move. Just like we're born intuitive eaters, right? I always say, try and convince a baby to eat if they're not hungry, or try and convince a baby to stop eating. If they're not full. You can't right like that. Motivation is almost entirely intrinsic at that point. And it's the same with like toddlers when they learn to walk right? try and convince a toddler who learning to walk that they've practiced enough For anybody who's had a toddler knows that that is like impossible, right?

So there's this intrinsic motivation to move and, and kids really are such a wonderful example of how attuned they are, to what they need. My son, we always used to joke that he was like a dog that needed to be walked, you know, and if he didn't get his movement, we would miss out. Yeah.

And but somewhere along the way, when we start to become aware of the hierarchy of bodies, when we start to become aware of the rules around what counts, when we start to become aware of the culture, around fitness, and exercise, and food and nutrition, and all that kind of stuff, a lot of movement, I think becomes inaccessible, either, because it has to have a certain look, it has to be in a certain place, it has to be doing a certain thing. And sometimes people

Jamie Carbaugh 11:00
the place to do it is intimidating, you have a gym, that is intimidating. And people are mean, and you don't want to go in and get verbal abuse, like Yeah, that makes sense.

The Positive Aspects of Lowering the Bar in Movement

Jenn Salib Huber 11:12
And so you know, we get into this place of not doing anything, because what we think we have to do the bar set too high. And and then as I tend to see people will get into some stage of midlife where they want or feel like they need to bring movement back in. And maybe it is for something really practical, like, you know, they are trying to recover from an injury, or maybe they're, you know, whatever it is all kinds of different reasons. But they don't know how to lower the bar, they don't know how to make going to the gym at six o'clock in the morning for 45 minutes.

The like the default like to no longer make that the goal. And anything less than that feels like it doesn't count. Yeah. And so that, I think is the biggest mindset that people have to overcome is that, you know, all movement counts. And it doesn't have to have a look and, and I just love all of the messaging that you do around that movement for more because I know that some of the people in my groups and in my membership and community have have joined your, your online platform, I certainly have been a loyal subscriber for a couple of years.

I love the variety and one of the things I love and if, if you anybody listening, even if you sign up just to watch Jamie dance, I can hear it. But you hate exercise and hate movement. If you do one of these, like dancing combo ones, you it is impossible not to be smiling at the end of it. And so I just love that you have really built that into everything that you do. Why is it why does it matter? How does fun? How does making fun? How does having fun, start to make movement more accessible?

The Importance of Showing Up for Movement

Jamie Carbaugh 13:07
Ah, it brings you back to well now, I was jumping ahead because you told me to think about the question at the end. And I have the answer. It's about exactly what you're saying. So it we lose it just like just like with growing up is like, I don't want to say you're not allowed to have fun. But playing everything that is associated with playing. That is my mission. And that's what but I know I'll come up with another one is play inviting. Allowing play because play has no structure. Play has no end goal. I'm like getting goosebumps just like I get I get so pumped when I talk about it because play is I don't want to say useless. I just I'm trying to come up with a better word for it.

Like it's, it's pointless. It's pointless. It's like it's just bringing us joy and laughter and it's not like I'm gonna play because it brings me joy like we don't do it with a goal in mind. You're just doing it to be in that like flow fun state. And so when I have a couple of ways that like when I work with people or I try to incorporate play on the movement channel is I have this class, which my like, dear friend helped me out with naming it was dance parties, because I have choreographed dance, a couple choreographed dance classes on on the movement channel, but there's also this class that is I put on music and just I'd never heard the song before. And I just don't I mean I'm I'm I'm twirling I'm whirling I take this stick, I pretend it's a microphone.

I do jabs and jives and you know, I'm all over the place and I want to invite the person who's watching on the other side A to say Wow, she's really she's really awkward. Okay, maybe I could be a little bit awkward to you know, do Is there takes that it's a big vulnerability to allow play, because people are watching if people are watching. So that's why I always say it's okay to start by yourself in a, in a room, you know, lock the door put on a song.

Music has a very easy invitation for play. Because when you start to listen to something, and this may be different for everyone, but you'll start to notice songs that you will either kind of maybe twirl your head to a little bit, bounce your knee a little bit, they give you like, they they're giving you energy, right, so I have those songs for me, you probably are thinking of some right now that just you just get up and move to and, but kind of what's holds people back is well, there's a certain I'm a bad dancer.

And I know that this video is not here, but I have to do it because I gotta like move, you know, I can't, I can't do the steps, right? I can't join a Zumba class, because I look like a fool or whatever it is. And they're in that part with play is you have to allow that foolishness with it. You have to allow the let's pretend imagination, we're a clown, I had a client that they did a exercise where they were given an imaginary piece of soap. And they had to energize their whole body with the pieces. So their toes, their eyes, their feet, you know, everything.

But right. In order to do that, there's a there's a another piece of a vulnerability that comes with that. You're looking around the room who who's going to start with the bar soap. Okay, they started Okay, all start a little bit. You know, so there's got to be this invitation sometimes. And that's what I like to bring to the movement channel of Hey, it's okay to to look foolish. I'm not, I'm not judging you.

Hopefully, you know, I don't know, maybe you're judging me. That's okay. But, but that's the point is I'm not saying let's do this dance class to burn, you know, X amount of calories or do this thing. Let's do this dance class to invite play. And let's do this dance class to move. And because five to 15 minutes, so here's, and I know, you know, because you're on the channel, right? I have like, over 100 videos that are in the five minute movement section.

So five minutes. And all I was seeing on other people's channels on YouTube, there were five minutes for weight loss or five minutes for data, you know, tone up and five, no, no, no, I want five minutes to be about mood, I want to I want it to be about not only if you have five minutes, like a guilt thing I want it to be, hey, I have five minutes, I can turn I can turn on Jamie and get a dance, upper body stretch. You know, they're a gentle movement, a quick movement, an angry movement, because I got all these things for five minutes. And so they accessibility like exactly what you just said, lowering the bar of,

Oh, I feel pretty good. 10 Mark put on another one. That's not the goal is to make it about more but like, then it just feels like the person is not berating me for only having five minutes. I have five minutes, here are tons of things that I can access to move my body in five minutes.

Jenn Salib Huber 18:19
Yeah, I talk all the time to about how we just have to give ourselves credit for showing up. Right? Like that's, that's the goal with any self care, behavior, intention act, whatever it is. The credit starts with, I showed up for this, whether you're showing up for a minute, or you're showing up for an hour. And because it means that you've made yourself a priority in that moment.

And the reality is that with life, I can want to do 30 minutes of something. But that may not happen for all kinds of reasons, right. But if I only have five minutes, I'm super happy to be able to do anything that is showing up for myself and for self care in that moment. And I love like the five minute movements are great. The really loving the 10 Minute ones that you've put up recently.

Jamie Carbaugh 19:06
Oh, yeah, I'm building the 10 minute one, just like I built the five minutes

Jenn Salib Huber 19:10
just allows for like some mix and match racially yes, you're on. Yeah, sure. But, you know, thinking about play in productivity culture, right, which we're like, all entrenched in whether we want to or not. Play doesn't have value because it doesn't end with a product.

Jamie Carbaugh 19:29
Yeah, I know. I was like, useless point. I couldn't figure it like Yeah, but like play

Jenn Salib Huber 19:34
is a source of pleasure. And we forget that pleasure is not an optional human need. We need to have pleasure. I invite people to invite pleasure back into their relationship with food. And I think that inviting it back into our relationship with movement is a really easy thing to do if we make it fun, right?

And like dancing, you know, and it's funny because now that we live in the Netherlands I And there's this whole, you know, culture around like people don't have curtains and like the windows are open and you know, all that kind of stuff. And I've realized that like, I've become a little bit more Dutch and that like, I totally look like a fool most of the time. And realize, like, half my neighbors can see me and I don't really care anymore.

Jamie Carbaugh 20:17
I love it. I love it. They're doing it do

Jenn Salib Huber 20:19
the number of times that like a delivery person has like knocked on my living room window, because I didn't hear the doorbell because I was doing a movement. And I was like, I wonder what he thought when he looked in and saw me like dancing like a wild person. But But yeah, so when we're talking about lowering the bar, and when we're trying to think about, like practical, tangible ways that people can maybe start to track, let's call it progress, because I don't know what else to call it.

But like, often, when people are starting with a movement, practice and exercise, intention, whatever it is, they might have a goal, right? So and it very well could be nothing to do with what their body looks like. It could be related to reducing pain, improving mobility, more energy, better sleep, all that kind of stuff. So how can people track progress? If they're not counting? How many minutes counting how many calories or anything like that?

Tracking Progress Without Numbers and Internal Metrics

Jamie Carbaugh 21:12
It's so funny, because you but you, you just said a lot of them? Yeah, alright. So I mean, no, no, I'm not saying no, I all of it. And that's what's so fun is that I do think people forget about those types of metrics, for lack of better word metrics, when when they are, you know, doing a movement routine, again, energy level, I mean, if you're, if you're saying my energy level is, if I would say zero to 10. And I kind of would just track that piece.

Okay. You know, I'm at a two right now I'm really low, kind of right how I'm feeling. The next day, I did 20, I did 20 minutes of movement about an hour ago, oh, my, I mean, I knew I had this podcast, my energy is up, you know, all this stuff. You can track energy level. And just over time, I noticed that I have more energy, because you want to make the associations, you want to make those positive associations with movement for longevity. So movement for more movement for longevity, what's like you just said your messages for the long haul? How can we make these things for the long haul? better sleep? How are you sleeping? I like you said that one. So I that's something that I that I definitely track with people endurance.

So endurance can be all different types of things, too. Like I have one client who wants to stand pain free for two hours, Disneyland. Wow. So it's that goal we're working toward, and we and we're working towards that. And they're able to, they're able to I've been working with this person for three years, their latest school is they're going on a like a cross country hike with like a camper, and she wants to get out and go on short hikes with her husband and stuff. And so we've been working a lot on balance, right? So you need to maneuver around the rock or whatever it is, you know. So that's where you can get specific. And that's where you can get, you know, fun.

Another one that people don't think about a lot bowel movements. I've tried bowel movements with people before too. And I know it sounds funny, but like, before we were working together, you know, or like, Oh, I've gone once a week, and then we were consistently moving together, they were going three to four times having three to four bowel, regular bowel movements a week, you know, so that's showing, it's just associating all of the so a lot of those were physical, I want to I want to I want to switch to one of the the mental health pieces of quote unquote tracking is your compassion, one that you speak to yourself during exercise, that's a huge one for people I work with.

Examples of Movement Wins That Can't Be Quantified

They're like, Oh, I, I have noticed that I took a rest break. And I didn't beat myself up. I'm like, that's, you know, like that. That, to me is incredible. Because improving on that self compassion piece, it starts with you so that you can spread it to other people. You have to be compassionate with yourself yourself in order to but a lot of times were the hardest on yourself, like just what you said, you got to lower the bar. making things easy is not easy for us. So that is making things easy is hard. And that's why the five minute movement piece is interesting too, because it's like, keep lowering the bar. Keep pulling the bar keep How low can you go?

Jenn Salib Huber 24:34
Yeah, no, and the thing too, is that people think that it won't feel as good. Like people say, Well, if I don't have 30 minutes to do the thing that I want to do, there's no point because I'm not going to feel like I've done enough. Find the one person who regrets doing two minutes of anything that they enjoy, right? Like you what you think and what the reality actually is usually isn't going to line up Right. And so that's why I really try and say like, Just give yourself credit for showing up. Just commit to showing up. Just start with that. And then see where you go from there. And I get people to use how to

Jamie Carbaugh 25:09
track repeats do I mean? Yeah, that like showing up is how, how did I feel? Like one of my, I have a lot of favorite things that people say, but one of my favorite things is when people come back and they say, I am excited to workout I'm excited to move I'm excited to do that piece that is a tracking mechanism. Is it going to be, you know, ABC at 8123? I don't, it's just it's how you, oh my gosh, I've shifted my perspective, that I look forward to movement, I never thought I'd look forward to movement exercise or whatever, you know. So that is a huge piece that you can track. But that's internal. So your you know, someone can't tell you that you're looking more forward to movement, only you can know that.

Considering a Different Way of Tracking Your Movement Habits

Jenn Salib Huber 25:59
Yeah, yeah. And so and I want to add just a little bit about habit trackers, too, because one of the one of the things that I have found challenging over the last number of years is the reliance on smartwatches. And like trackers, to kind of give people that metric that they're looking for, whether it's like closing the rings, or hitting a number of steps, or burning so many calories or heart rate or whatever it is that people have become really accustomed to wanting this like external data. And so when we're trying to teach attunement, when we're trying to teach, like learning to listen and respond to your body with kindness and respect, which sometimes means doing less, sometimes doing more, I often encourage them to just like, put that away for a little while.

And I would say nine times out of 10, within even just like a couple of weeks are like, Oh man, I'm so glad I'm not using that anymore. I didn't realize how like, you know, accustomed I had become to it. But there's often a like, but I like I like tracking something like how do I still see what I've done or kind of that I've that I've done what I wanted to do. And habit tracker is just a simple like piece of paper. I'm gonna include a download to one in the show notes.

But just a simple little piece of paper that you get. Yeah, look, you can't see it. But Jamie showed me to check or give yourself a checkmark to say like, I did it. That's it. You don't have to track how long what you did anything like that just I set a goal of showing up four mornings a week, and I did it. And it is incredible how just that behavior can reinforce and build the habit that you're trying to do without seeing a number associated with it. Not seeing how much how long. And I think that it actually builds intrinsic motivation. Much, much better than numbers do.

Jamie Carbaugh 27:54
Yeah, absolutely. I love. I love. I started it in January. I don't know if he will, he probably didn't see on one of them. But one of them just had three weeks it said sinus infection did not do it. I wanted to. But I love it. Because it's also helped me. I make I didn't I didn't know you had a download. I want to see that. But like I make my own each month, and I adjusted each month if I'm like Oh, this one wasn't working for me. I wasn't showing up for this one. I'm gonna make another one like, and they're all over the place from I have one to flossing. I have one where, where? What's the oh, well delete, but I stopped looking at social media at a certain time. So that it's like all of

Jenn Salib Huber 28:42
these good about that every, every Saturday when you're like I'm deleting the app. I'm like, I wish I could do that.

Jamie Carbaugh 28:51
But it's it's but there's the other piece too is it is the whole I don't know not what I would call it lifestyle. But like it's it is hard to get back on every Monday. Like I do find it like hard to restart every Monday, you know, and stuff like that. So that piece is difficult, but it's it just became, you know, where it was just becoming such a distraction for me and stuff. So yeah, and then I was thinking well, if I if I do this boundary with social media, it's allowing people to see that you can make boundaries for yourself around movement as well.

So that's what I try to try to do for people is like, you know, I always share my books that I read because I movement for more, you know, I want your life your life should be about so much more. You're about so much more. And we're all about so much more than than what we look like, you know, so I want you to enjoy aspects of your life and feel. Feel things throughout and be compassionate with yourself and, and all that stuff. So moving forward Cool.

Jenn Salib Huber 30:01
I love that. And that's kind of like a nice, nice little wrap up, isn't it? You know, we're all more. So before we get to my last question, which people have told me is actually part of their, their one of their favorite things about the podcasts that they always look forward to the answer. So, I love that. But before we get to that, how can people learn about what you do and what you have to offer? And how can they learn about the movement channel?

Jamie Carbaugh 30:30
People sent him say, I don't know how to pronounce it. So fit Raggamuffin so Raggamuffin his Jamaican turret lights, like Yeah, I was taught called it when I was younger, but you're I don't want a hairbrush. You know, so I was always like, oh, Jamie ragamuffin, you know, kind of thing. And then fit Raggamuffin fit Raggamuffin two F's, anywhere on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, I have, you know, some, some, some videos on there.

And then that will have, you will have a link to that. Okay. And then the, and then the movement channel is like, yeah, fit Raggamuffin at VH x, which I think is interesting, because it always reminds me of the 80s, VHS, VHS And that's where the whole channel lives. So you'll get, you know, you can you can filter through five minute movements, I want a strength workout, I want, you know, 10 minutes gentle movement, you can do all these filters with it. So I like the plan for the channel.

How Jenn Became a Fan of Jamie's Workouts

Jenn Salib Huber 31:25
And just so people know, you know, there are one of the well, I'll just backtrack a little bit and give a little bit of history on how you and I connected. So like two and a half years ago, I tore my meniscus while doing a stupid Beachbody workout. And, and I was really kind of in this land of like I had, even though I had been intuitive eating for years and things like that there were still some parts of my relationship with movement that I now realize, in hindsight, were still a little bit like, I'm not going to call them diets, because they weren't about pursuing a look or weight loss or anything like that. But I still had the bar set pretty high for what counted. I realized now in hindsight, and so when I tore my meniscus, some was told, no jumping, no running, no high impact. And until I had my surgery, no lunges, no squats, I was like, What do you mean?

Jamie Carbaugh 32:17
What am I what am I gonna do? Do any

Jenn Salib Huber 32:19
of those things. And that's how I found you. And I remember one of the first things that I that I loved and I and I still say this to people is that so many of your your workouts or movements, whatever you have recorded in three different levels. So you can search by beginner by intermediate by advanced and feel like you're doing the whole thing. Yeah, and so that you're not comparing yourself to like,

Oh, I'm watching this one that the person is doing on advanced, but I'm doing all the modification. So it feels like less. And that is so important. I think it is such a huge value that you provide to people by offering this, you know, kind of full, full service full level, access to movement that I think is really unique. I've never seen that anywhere else. And I really, really appreciate that you do that. And I know that lots of other people do, too.

Jamie Carbaugh 33:14
It's always nice to hear, like, what how you're different, you know, because I'm I'm in my head all the time and then down in the basement. So yeah, thank you.

Jenn Salib Huber 33:23
Now that I'm back to doing the advanced ones, most of the time, they are and workouts. Like for more is like not hard or challenging or sweaty or any of those things. That is not the case because

Jamie Carbaugh 33:36
it's so fun. I remember you saying like I you know, once you kind of, you know, you're talking about your previous kind of mindset around it and and then you actually express I actually do love getting sweaty, you know, like you enjoy it. It's like sometimes you have to pull back and not associate that like sweat piece with, you know, oh, it counted or whatever. And you're like, Oh, I love like, Oh, I'm just getting sweaty, get rid of it. I feel energized, you know, and like all of that stuff. And that's what it felt like when you were telling me that that you're like yeah, I love it.

Jenn Salib Huber 34:12
So, and Jamie has a couple of discount codes for listeners that we'll share on the show notes as well. So now getting to the very popular question. What do you think is the missing ingredient in midlife?

Jamie's Missing Ingredient in Midlife

Jamie Carbaugh 34:26
So I was joking with her. I said Tumeric I'm sure that's what everyone's ready for. Well, so you asked me that and I wrote it down in the very beginning before we even started I wrote down play. So that's so funny that our whole conversation really revolved around play. Like it I think play is missing but I also wrote down something else is like the fitness marketing piece of like, I've had so many people come up to me say I don't want a six pack.

I just Want to you know, get down on the ground with my kid or just want to run around with my grandkids? I don't want a tone booty, like stop marketing, you're missing me. And that and I feel like that. I was told that when I was at an expo and that was like, you just you just feel like you're getting missed. You know, like Trump were what do you

Jenn Salib Huber 35:24
have there? See had grown with you? If you don't want that? Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Jamie Carbaugh 35:27
Like, it's like, I don't care about that stuff. Like, but you're telling me that I should care but I don't care. I just so I want to hang out and play catch with my grandkids and so so yeah, the the area is missing piece. But yeah, play and lowering the bar, like you said to this other really great one, lowering the bar. Give yourself credit if you're able to lower the bar with compassion, for sure.

Jenn Salib Huber 35:53
Awesome. Thank you so much, Jamie, for joining us on the midlife feast. I know that so many of the listeners will get so much out of this conversation. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah, this is awesome. Thanks for tuning in to this week's episode of the midlife feast. For more non diet health hormone and general midlife support. Click the link in the show notes to learn how you can work and learn from me. And if you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful, please consider leaving a review or subscribing because it helps other women just like you find us and feel supported in midlife.


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